In support to and for the consistent implementation of the Regional ICT Tech Voc HS that are offering the CISCO NetAcad Program, a Consultative Planning Conference will be conducted on SEPT 8-10, 2009 at the Development Academy f the Philippines, Tagaytay City.
a. gather feedback and address the concerns met in the implementation of the curriculum.
b. familiarize DepEd local academy instructors on the academy management module;
c. train instructors how to create and administer online student classes and to monitor student progress
d. train instructors how to raise concerns and get answers from Help Desk and
e. prepare instructors for their upcoming Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Examination.
Participants to this activity are School principals, ICT Coordinator or ICT Teacher trainees in ITE and CISCO Certified Network Associate CCNA last May 2009.
Teacher participants may check in at the venue a day before the start of the training while the first meal to be served is dinner of Sept 7, 2009. Participants are required to bring their own laptop.
DepED Memo 376 s 2009

I'm the computer teacher of Bo. Luz Elem. School of Cebu City Division. About the ICT Conference Workshop, its too late for me to know about it.hehe!
Anyway, I'm now part of Aboitiz Group of Foundation Inc. IT trainors. We will be making a modules to complement the skills of the other AGFI recipient beneficiaries that needed to be enchanced. The training module will have to developed and evaluated before the year ends for implementation for the next summer. Topics assigned to me are Adobe Photoshop, Networking and Web Designing. I'm ain't good in Web Designing now I'm studying it. My IT colleage's mentioned during our meeting that Adobe and Web Designing are part already of the HS curriculum.
More power to all IT and ICT! Let's upgrade the quality of instruction or teaching and enchance the our academic programs in the public schools.
it's great you're learning stuff on web designing, what open source platform are you studying?
@ Manuel Roxas
I'm not sure yet but maybe the HTML or CSS. Just the basic I think. To tell you guys the truth, I'm ain't good in Web Designing...LOL! But I'm willing to learn that's why I'm studying it online.
You have to master first the HTML before you proceed to CSS.
Then Faust is the best for Joomla. I hope DepED use his talent.
@ DepED Teacher
I know a bit about HTML coz I have a book about it. Thanks Ifor the advice! l'll keep that in mind. :-)
@ deped teacher
thanks for the recommendation, im deeply honored..
@ cyberteach
buzz soon...
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