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Encouragement to pursue success-leading
marks is a stuck pigment.
marks is a stuck pigment.
To encourage other people around you … it must commence first with me. I believe this quotation that “encouragement to pursue success-leading marks is a stuck pigment.” We can’t deny the fact that before we convince others to do the right thing, see to it that you also show good example so that there will be no inner ill-feelings to utter against you or the reason to accept positively such beliefs without question or skepticism.

By all accounts, due to economic deprivation among people, a lot of them used to engage in strenuous tasks. From the time the stringent dictator or tyrant ruled over the country, he pronounced his regime to take preventive measures and thwart if there’s an attempt to overthrow the government. Another economic problem is extreme poverty that has been dominated by the entire community of Filipinos. They said that the Philippines ranked as one of the richest countries in the world. I believe that what they said is true. There is veracity in it. The records show and support the claims even the history itself.
The economic situation in the Philippines seems considered as the worst scenario. I am speaking about the extensive corruption done by the Marcos’ tenure which made the entire human race of Filipinos beg for left-over (food, money, property, etc.) of what is dropped after a major crime. However, the optimistic attitude of the Filipinos made them reveal their real significance and content of who they are as individuals and as Filipinos. That being a Filipino has something to be proud of and not to be ashamed of even the four walls of the global continent where all the people reside in.
Despite the extreme poverty suffered by the Filipinos, still they keep on experiencing a gradual recovery in terms of economy, a sudden feeling of happiness that posts their faces on the limelight even the other foreign inhabitants mock at them. Normal gestures are being possessed, instead of obvious pretension. Laughter and giggles became the music from here to there. Harmony and rhythm are all along present wherever we go. The history of the Filipino culture paved its way to entire propagation. Migrations of the fused cultures among Easterners and some of the Westerners have been a revealing factor and a moment of colonial change. Various influences are established and, in fact, the large percentage of which is pertained to festivals and celebrations.
Another bubbling factor is the continuous arousal of superstitious beliefs. As they say, laughter drives evil forces away from one’s self. We can barely get out of the root itself why the laughter has been an emerging panacea of such demonic strengths. Most of us stick to the saying that “Laughter is the best medicine”? It would probably make a lot of sense.
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The usual practices among Filipinos of making the best out of the upcoming holidays of the seasons have given forth and brought up great significant differences. One is the propagation of a positive outlook in life. A growing conception about a new life has significantly been a solid pillar towards having a sound outlook in life. Another is the establishment of a starting point leading to its gradual development. Indeed, the saying reaffirms its stand about encouragement to pursue success-leading marks to be experienced by each of us.
Whatever it is that influences the sweet flavor of the holiday season at present, what matters most is the genuine deliberation of concerted efforts and thoughts shared by one another. The diffusion of harmony, love and respect to one another pave the way to greater heights and lead to superior happiness for a lifetime.

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