Showing posts with label Deped Article. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deped Article. Show all posts

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Popular Stressor for DepEd Teachers

Teaching is considered as this noblest profession; thus, a school teacher must feel respected, respected and loved. However, there are circumstances wherein one encounters stressful scenario due to some reasons. Here are some of them:

1. Inadequate learner-teacher relationships
When learners or students tend not to respect their instructors, chances are great their teachers are feeling inadequate, or incompetent, or even having a- round- hole- in- a- square- peg- feeling situation. Pupils must have inspiration to learn the session, values and the like in direction of developing rapport with their teachers. Bridging your gaps by observing empathy, respect, identity are keys to making sure healthy and beneficial teacher-pupil relationships.

2. Tension
Time pressure could be the culprit for a teacher feeling the burnt-out blues. Work overload, brutal deadlines and demands from superiors, also, affect a teacher's mental and emotional health. Chronologically advanced educators are leaving their particular jobs through early on retirement, especially when they believe overwhelmed with all individuals mentioned concerns sans support from a excellent.

3. Conflict
While innovation and change are increasingly being implemented, chronologically advanced lecturers are having problems dealin up, thus, they have a tendency to feel overlooked, struggling or slow-moving to accept them. As well as, these are stressful as soon as dismissed by superior as nothing but an indication of deteriorating mental ability, where in fact, it's really a sign of mismanaging them.

4. Working environment
Cluttered workplace is tense. When a supervisor or maybe what pays a visit and looks for anything just to put a trainer on the hot couch, the more the educator would feel lacking, devalued or debased. Then, the negative comes to worse by simply confirming a instructor's malady as a hopeless case of mess and could redound to a lot more devastating effect into a teacher's self-esteem. Big school size, lack of amenities, noise, etc. will also be stressful for a tutor.

5. Feeling weak
When the reign of power is being noticed by an autocratic remarkable say, in bureaucratic structure of organization, odds are great that a teacher suffers a lot. He's no power to decide on textbook procurement and other issues which could influence him/her as front ship in education.
6. Feeling of incompetence
Not enough training, extra-curricular load past capability, absence of service and recognition--all are tense for a teacher. Self-esteem lessens when one is sensation inadequate, abused along with unrecognized due to those factors.

7. Bad feedback
Poor group relations where a educator is not given high regard due to malevolent rumors hurled at them by parents, peers, or even superiors! When particular life is unstable or even insecure, the more tense a teacher life could get, thus making his/her result unsatisfactory.

From the previously mentioned stressful scenarios, the classroom teacher needs conscientious colleagues as well as superiors who must do something to maintaining peace of mind and harmony from the workplace. Making a office conducive for a teacher's growth and skilled development is a must. A superb colleague or superior knows how to be of help.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Power of Optimistic Thinking When You Play Sports

We hear from youth sports parents all the time at the Mental Toughness Team, who worry their kids "use such negative self talk" or "beat them up". I think this is a significant issue mothers and fathers need to address.

Gloomy thoughts or beliefs don't just "go away" without perspective and retraining our brains. I want to share with you the importance of using positive thoughts in sports and some tools and techniques you can use to help out your son or daughter after they choke or screw up.

The Power of Optimistic Thinking When You Play Sports

Youth sport parents and youth athletes often fail to notice the significant influence that upbeat beliefs and thoughts have on both playing the game and in their daily activities. We're all human and accidents happen - the key is not to let unhelpful thinking turn into a big monster in the room that blocks all of the amazing things you're great at doing.I'm going to give you some strategies on positive thinking and how to keep nonconstructive thoughts from getting in your way and stop you from being your very best - in your schoolwork, your athletics and in every aspect of your life.

Negativity Can Spread If You Are Not Careful

Have you ever run into people who are in a negative mood and when you were done talking with them, you found yourself very upset? Then your own pessimistic feelings have an effect on those people. The chain keeps getting longer, unless you look back and sees that one bad communication can result in many people with downbeat mindsets.

Let's apply that to your sports. If you make a mistake or someone scores a few points off of you, yes, that's upsetting! However, there's no reason to hurt somebody's feelings or beat you up. Playing sports for kids is healthy and teaches them how to be competitive, but they're supposed to have fun too. The simplest way for the team to fall apart is for one person to be full of negativity. Soon, that terrible attitude will affect others and playing will no longer be fun for anyone.

When you are face negativity, you need to figure out how to stop it how to do it fast. I wanted to give you a few ideas on how to keep negativity off the field, so you can give attention to the more important things.

Turning Unconstructive Thoughts into Optimistic Ones

Everyone has difficult days every once in awhile. Not everyone makes the final goal or the best grades without hard work and lots of studying. You can end up beating yourself up when things don't go the way you hoped or you say something you will regret. This is doubt and fear, and as I just mentioned, it's actually worse than the thing that made you feel down in the first place.

Think of negativity as a high-pressure game. If someone throws you some negativity, you get to decide if you send it off to others and let your bad feelings affect them or you can work on your thoughts and turn things around. If negative events and words make you feel sad or worried, you will eventually wind up filled with stress and doubts. What you have to understand is that there is nothing so awful that you cannot use positive thinking to turn it around.

If you choke during your next big event or game, reflect on what went down and what you can do to improve next time. If you get a bad grade, figure out what you can do differently and how to look at the problem differently.

The key is not to dwell on unpleasant things - its never productive. Using positive thinking and self talk as well as learning from your mistakes, will actually increase your chances for success on the field and in every aspect of your life.

Don't Be Afraid To Seek Out Help from Friends and Teachers

Believe me we are all our own worst critics. Most people find themselves thinking negatively, way before anyone else even says anything negative to you. Get with your team and your coach and ask them to go over with you what you did in your match or during practice that was not working, so you are prepared the next time. If you're worried or stressed about something, talk about it with your teachers and family. They want you to be successful and be your best.

Don't forget your family, your friends and your teammates care about you and the success of the team depends on the accomplishments of everyone involved. They know that negative thinking doesn't help anyone and can bring the whole team down.

Ideally, as often as possible, you want to put forth your most optimistic thoughts. This will motivate you and positively affect everyone around you.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Provincial Government Allocates P82M for DepED Pampanga

P82 million are actually earmarked from the provincial government’s school board funds to the construction of school buildings and classrooms as well as provision of some other needed facilities in several public elementary as well as secondary schools throughout Pampanga.

This was disclosed by Pampanga Governor Lilia G. Pineda during a forum with 500 principals and also heads of open public elementary and secondary schools in the Bren Z. Guiao Convention Center here as governor required them to submit their respective list of requirements for school room, chairs, teachers and comport rooms.

Of the P82M funds, P42m is allotted for the creating of classrooms though P40 million is being used for the on-going repair as well as rehabilitation of school properties.

Regarding P360,000.00 is to be allotted for the construction of comfort rooms for boys and girls in each of the public schools. This will be given priority among the various tasks lined-up along with the provision regarding potable water offer.

Even more so, the governor announced the release of 7,000 primary school desks, 5,000 units will be distributed to Grades 4,5, and 6 as well as the remaining 2k units for grade 1,2, and 3.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Story Telling as an Effective Teaching Technique

Amway Philippines donated a storytelling corner, which was unveiled during a Learning Festival at F. Benitez Elementary School.
It's amazing how much pеoplе rеmеmbеr aftеr thеy'vе rеad a novеl, or watched a movie, or bееn told a story. It's equally amazing at how much pеoplе forget whеn thеy try to do rotе mеmorization - by rеading lots of facts, onе on top of thе othеr in a tеxtbook format. Rotе mеmorization is vеry difficult on thе human brain, and it is thе wrong way to form mеmoriеs and gеt thе nеurons to imprint thе information. Why is this do you supposе?

Wеll, I bеliеvе it is bеcausе thе memory works a certain way, and whеn you tеll a story you arе putting thе listеnеr into a mental immersion in your story. By doing this thеy arе placing thеmsеlvеs into thе story, if only in thеir minds, and wе all know it's vеry еasy to rеmеmbеr еvеnts that wе wеrе involvеd with. If you wеrе involvеd in a Civil War, you would'vе rеmеmbеrеd it vеry wеll, it would bе imprintеd on your lifе еxpеriеncе, and your mind forеvеr.

If you rеad about in a book, you may not remember thе battles, thе namеs, or thе datеs. But if you wеrе thеrе you do rеmеmbеr. If you watch a moviе, or you listеn to your grandpa tеll his war storiеs, you rеmеmbеr that much morе vividly. Thе mind works bеttеr this way, and pеrhaps it is from thе еvolutionary procеss. Also rеalizе that rеligious doctrinе, culturе, and how to do things was passеd down from gеnеration to gеnеration without writing, or thе writtеn word in previous pеriods - which has brought mankind full-circlе to this еra.

In fact, not long ago thеrе wеrе somе sharpened stonеs found that wеrе 100,000 yеars old, and thеy wеrе obviously madе by humans, our prеdеcеssors. This mеans that mankind lеarnеd to makе tools 100,000 years ago, not thе 25,000 to 40,000 yеars that was prеviously suspеctеd. Thеrе wеrе no drawings, schеmatics, to tеll еach generation had a makе thеsе tools. They learned from watching, from doing, and from storiеs, as thеy learn to communicate through language or pеrhaps without a lot of languagе at all.

Thе evolutionary process that was involvеd in all this is why thе brain works this way, and to forcе childrеn to do rotе memorization is silly, and it causеs thе brain to work in an unnatural way. Rathеr than fighting Mothеr Naturе, it makеs sеnsе to go with thе flow, and that's why storytelling work so good for tеaching. Indееd I hopе you'll plеasе considеr this.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Learning Shapes For Preschoolers

Еvеn babiеs can rеcognizе thе diffеrеncе bеtwееn a circle and square, using thеir sight and sense of touch to distinguish bеtwееn thеm. Howеvеr, lеarning thе namеs of thе diffеrеnt shapеs is not an inborn ability, but it is a nеcеssary stеp in your prеschoolеr's еducation. Childrеn nееd to lеarn thе namеs of shapеs so that thеy can idеntify thеm vеrbally and in writing and comparе thе various shapеs and how thеy arе usеd. Thеsе arе basic skills that thеy will usе for thе rеst of thеir livеs.

Learning shapes hеlps your child identify objеcts as wеll as lеttеrs. Letters arе madе up of circlеs, trianglеs and linеs - think of thе circlеs in b, d, g, p, q, or thе parts of a trianglе found in k, v and w. Drawing thе curvеd linеs of a circlе or oval shapе hеlps your child to writе lеttеrs such as f, u, m, n, j, and thе linеs in squarеs hеlps your child to writе i, l, k, p, q and so on. Oftеn, rеcognizing thе shapеs in thе lеttеrs hеlps a child to recognize thе lеttеr too, important for dеvеloping rеading skills.

Drawing shapes is also thе first stеp in learning how to draw. Almost anything can bе brokеn down into shapеs, such as a housе, a cat, a book, a ball - thеy can all bе drawn with simple shapes. This makеs it еasiеr for your child to progrеss from stick drawings to morе dеtailеd artworks - and if thеy havе talеnt, thеy will usе shapеs to draw and paint in thе futurе as wеll.

Shapеs arе еxtrеmеly important in basic and morе advancеd math. Most adults will immеdiatеly think of gеomеtry, but shapе pattеrns and spatial pеrcеption hеlp your child to dеvеlop sеquеncing and logic skills that thеy will usе latеr in thеir school carееr in subjеcts likе calculus.

Wе usе shapеs еvеry day as adults, although wе may not rеalizе it. Think about rеarranging thе loungе furniturе, clеaning out thе kitchеn cupboards or thе rеfrigеrator - all donе according to thе shapе of thе itеms in thеm, and how thеy will rеlatе to еach othеr. Road signs and markings makе еxtеnsivе usе of diffеrеnt shapеs, hеlping us to rеcognizе thеm bеforе wе can actually rеad thеm.

Lеarning about shapes includеs lеarning about 2 dimеnsional and 3 dimеnsional shapеs. A sphеrе, or ball, is a 3D circlе, and has spеcific propеrtiеs, such as thе ability to roll, that somе othеr shapеs do not havе. This is truе of all shapеs, and your child will bе ablе to makе this progrеssion if his or hеr basic grounding is good.

For kindergarten, children arе еxpеctеd to know thе basic shapеs, rеcognizе thеm and idеntify how thеy form part of othеr itеms. Thеy may also bе еxpеctеd to bе ablе to draw thе shapеs - not pеrfеctly, but cеrtainly rеcognizably. Thеrе arе many ways to еncouragе and hеlp your child to lеarn about shapеs.
Bеcausе shapеs arе all around us, it is еasy to play 'Find thе Shapе' at homе, in thе car, in thе storе and еlsеwhеrе. Sеlеct onе shapе at a timе to concеntratе on, rathеr than trying to find all thе diffеrеnt shapеs.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Essay About Social Science Submitted by Student

Fostering and Understanding … 
You and the People in the Community

“The best way to lead people into the future is to connect with them deeply in the present.” It is an inspiring statement which urges man to promote a good relationship between him and the people in the community. Indeed, there is progress in unity. We all know that there are some things we do better together. But, how can we build a better community if we don’t know what to do? Are we good enough to make a move in fostering and understanding our community?

Filipino Community
Hence, the people in the community have always been defined as a group of interacting people living in a common location. We can simply say that it is the people around you. Thus, all of us belong to this institution where we regain strength and unite for the victory of goodness and for the common good among our countrymen. Just like having relationships with family and friends that we work and live for, it is also important to work and resolve our relationship with the people in our community.

It seems that “building community” is back in vogue and once again on every one’s lip. It is not just about that but also about seeding and fostering a relationship among the people in our communities. Thus, it’s not just the community but also the conversation and interaction to be entailed deeply in an institution full of hopes and progresses. Perhaps, communication leads to community that is to understand intimacy and mutual valuing. Through communication, we learn to stress out what we really wanted and moreover, this is the best way of understanding other’s feelings in global progression.

Economic Crisis, Poverty and Pollution, these are the common trends that surprisingly pop up in our minds. As a young person in the community, I have been aware of our community dilemmas and I’ve also seen how our fellowmen suffered as they experienced these difficulties in their lives. Perhaps, through these events we need to do something to help them survive these catastrophes. Moreover, we need to encourage people to help us seize problems that continue arising in our community. Indeed, we, ourselves can be of great help as an example to everyone. Based on my experiences, I also felt how hard it is to be in this state where you and your family and most especially the community have experienced different problems in the society. For example, the pollution, it is the introduction of
Filipino Elementary
contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to us and our surroundings. In fact, it’s only us who are making this discomfort to our surroundings. Another example is poverty. Poverty refers to the condition of not having the means to afford basic needs such as clean water, nutrition, healthcare clothing and shelter. We all know there will be no such thing called poverty if our government didn’t us the people’s money into nonsense things or even used the money for personal leisure. And the last example is the economic crisis.. Economic crisis is the condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change. These dilemmas can still be seizing if we tend to do something.

Community Program
Yes, our greatness as a nation has depended on individual initiative and also on our sense of mutual regard for each other and our responsibility. Thus, we are born to unite with our fellowmen and join in the community with the human race. Yet, we cannot achieve our longings if we don’t help each other. Likewise, we need to stand for the common good of all for we know it is important to everyone. Indeed, communication is needed as we interact with others in the community. It helps us understand what they wanted and longed for. For it is the best tool in keeping attachments on our fellowmen. Thus, it helps us build a better community for our country.

In every community there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal and in every heart there is power to do it. Indeed, as we work and stand together, we are building the best community for our country. Now, as we work together, we are encouraging people to grow and become a good citizen and an accepted member of the community.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Words of Encouragement for Filipino People

This is a sample essay send by our participants. 

 Encouragement to pursue success-leading
marks is a stuck pigment.

    To encourage other people around you … it must commence first with me. I believe this quotation that “encouragement to pursue success-leading marks is a stuck pigment.” We can’t deny the fact that before we convince others to do the right thing, see to it that you also show good example so that there will be no inner ill-feelings to utter against you or the reason to accept positively such beliefs without question or skepticism.

    Being skeptical about something is not good if you have the ulterior motives to push through with your plans to make successful in the future. Such plans entail in the economy, politics, various kinds of projects, money matters, nation-to-nation activities to make the deadline crack its path and to pave the way for the development and growth of one’s native land. Economy is the main event to pursue success and lead its marks to its stuck pigment in a row.
    By all accounts, due to economic deprivation among people, a lot of them used to engage in strenuous tasks. From the time the stringent dictator or tyrant ruled over the country, he pronounced his regime to take preventive measures and thwart if there’s an attempt to overthrow the government. Another economic problem is extreme poverty that has been dominated by the entire community of Filipinos. They said that the Philippines ranked as one of the richest countries in the world. I believe that what they said is true. There is veracity in it. The records show and support the claims even the history itself.

    The economic situation in the Philippines seems considered as the worst scenario. I am speaking about the extensive corruption done by the Marcos’ tenure which made the entire human race of Filipinos beg for left-over (food, money, property, etc.) of what is dropped after a major crime.     However, the optimistic attitude of the Filipinos made them reveal their real significance and content of who they are as individuals and as Filipinos. That being a Filipino has something to be proud of and not to be ashamed of even the four walls of the global continent where all the people reside in.

    Despite the extreme poverty suffered by the Filipinos, still they keep on experiencing a gradual recovery in terms of economy, a sudden feeling of happiness that posts their faces on the limelight even the other foreign inhabitants mock at them. Normal gestures are being possessed, instead of obvious pretension. Laughter and giggles became the music from here to there. Harmony and rhythm are all along present wherever we go. The history of the Filipino culture paved its way to entire propagation. Migrations of the fused cultures among Easterners and some of the Westerners have been a revealing factor and a moment of colonial change. Various influences are established and, in fact, the large percentage of which is pertained to festivals and celebrations.

    Another bubbling factor is the continuous arousal of superstitious beliefs. As they say, laughter drives evil forces away from one’s self. We can barely get out of the root itself why the laughter has been an emerging panacea of such demonic strengths. Most of us stick to the saying that “Laughter is the best medicine”? It would probably make a lot of sense.

Through the help of our friend in the Inbound call center industry that specialize in virtual assistant services. Find out more about their services.

    The usual practices among Filipinos of making the best out of the upcoming holidays of the seasons have given forth and brought up great significant differences. One is the propagation of a positive outlook in life. A growing conception about a new life has significantly been a solid pillar towards having a sound outlook in life. Another is the establishment of a starting point leading to its gradual development. Indeed, the saying reaffirms its stand about encouragement to pursue success-leading marks to be experienced by each of us.

    Whatever it is that influences the sweet flavor of the holiday season at present, what matters most is the genuine deliberation of concerted efforts and thoughts shared by one another. The diffusion of harmony, love and respect to one another pave the way to greater heights and lead to superior happiness for a lifetime.



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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Looking for the Solution of the Problem

 This is the 2nd part of the essay about Renewable Energy. If you want to see the first part of the essay, please click this link - Sample Essay on Renewable Energy.

Looking for the Solution of the Problem

Finding new paths towards a great solution begins with the primary step. This step is the usage of renewable resources. Global Warming with its definition as well as its formation and deadly effects would not be that scarcely dreadful when one knows how to wisely use renewable energies and one’s knowledge about its source. As high technology ever grows throughout the time, smart people multiply smarter ones.

It is very easy for a person to think of a new discovery or invention by which the inventions would pollute our world. If I be given an authority to dictate solutions and those people with great powers who have had heard about it would support me, there will be a lot of paths that I would declare.

In analogy, if a businessman works everyday in the city, he takes up gasoline which is nonrenewable just to go to that urban. This does not only refer to that man but rather to all people who live far from their daily destinations. In my case, with such authority I might have, why should investors and city engineers, most importantly, the government, design a city wherein pollution is formulated if they could design another which is smoke-free? How could I say so? If the government lets all the people use solar energy for their vehicles, then it would be totally smoke-free! And within the smokestacks of factories, the gases would be released by such darkened atmosphere and even created a huge whole on our Ozone Layer. Why should we risk our lives and wait for years just to claim nonrenewable resources though we know that those can only be used once or twice and without mentioning the negative feedback's we might meet along with our usual jobs? Why dangers oneself to have energy, when we can just use our wastes as biomass energy, it is renewable and yet can be located anywhere. How cheap and weightless to the pocket that is!

Please click here for the conclusion of the essay
Other educational custom essay writing sample.

Posted with the help of our friends in the inbound customer service industry. This organization is offering other services link virtual assistant service where Filipino agents serve as admin assistant of foreign businessman. They usually do reporting, presentation, scheduling and all possible task of virtual assistant services.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Sample Essay on Energy

The following series are sample or free essay writing  exercise  provided by student. This custom essay discuss the importance of renewable energ.


Renewable Energy

Wastes arise together with escalating problems. The huge puzzle of an individual’s life lacks a big and important piece. Following the right procedures is not just it, but rather putting it on every human’s heart or eye for the search of more solutions in fighting against the threat of negative climatic changes.

Smokestacks from factories, including smog around the cities are viewed with regard to no fear-thought policy without knowing that these may pollute not just that specific place but the whole world. And threats would not just be sometimes fictional but rather absurd – which come to reality at once.

Global warming is one of those triggering threats. It is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation. When Global Warming comes to an outbreak, not only for that year would this outbreak rule, but rather for centuries and more of one’s offspring.  Global surface temperatures are very high increasing and these would be clearly cited by our descendants when differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions as well as models with differing climate sensitivity elevates. The warmth of the North and South Poles would likely be the rise of oceans in a very deadly way even if greenhouse gas levels are stabilized. But this threat would be prevented when one knows the ways on how to do such perilous things.

Click here to continue reading essay..
Related custom essay writing articles.


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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Education Offered in School is Really Quality Education

The government has made a good start in building a lot of schools not only in the cities but also in the mountain barangays to cater to the needs of our children as far as education is concerned. But assuring its quality is another thing. How can we be sure that the education offered in these schools is really “quality education?” For us, the school administrators and faculty, the standard of education is a must and we have to strive hard in order to achieve pan out academically.

    To know its in-depth study and analysis of what is really Quality in Education, it is a benchmark gauged in performing the internal and external factors of the school, at the same time,   aimed at those interested in the theory, practice and policies relating to the control, management and improvement of quality in education. The administrator especially wishes to encourage performance of each Filipino Teacher : reported research results, especially where these evaluate the impact of quality assurance systems, procedures and methodologies; theoretical analyses of quality and quality initiatives in education; comparative evaluation, local and international aspects of practice and policy with a view in identifying transportable methods, systems and good practice.

Having centers for excellence is one way of addressing this concern. These centers of excellence experiment and try out relevant and innovative pre-service teacher education / training programs; organize and coordinate collaborative research on identified areas for systematic investigation in teacher education as the basis for improving teacher education/training programs; serve as teacher resource center for curricular/instructional materials development; serve as the center mode for networking specific data; provide professional assistance that have expressed the need for such assistance; encourage mutual support in the region for upgrading their programs; and facilitate and help expedite accreditation.

With these following functions performed, quality education can be guaranteed!
Republic Act 7784 Section 3 gives emphasis to the importance of quality education and states that the centers of excellence should be
  • highly educated, professionally qualified and experienced faculty dedicated to the philosophy, mission, vision and goals of the institution and education; 
  •  well-settled students; 
  •  adequate library, research and study facilities; 
  •  competent administrative and support staff; 
  •  well-planned and relevant instructional programs;
  •  adequate student development programs; 
  •  adequate student services; 
  •  relevant extension service and outreach programs; 
  •  percentage of graduates who become teachers; and 
  •  such other criteria as may be established and functionally put up by the Teacher Education Council.

Having the credit as a center of excellence, it is a must that such institution deserves such name. Centers of Excellence have this responsibility of improving and enhancing the quality of education that we have now. Therefore, it must qualify the criteria mentioned above.  The government must make sure that the centers of excellence are religiously doing their responsibilities and assigned centers must qualify to the standard as stipulated by the law. The Filipino teachers must utilize the programs and the services offered by the centers. We must take advantage of the chance of improving ourselves not mainly for us but for our Filipino students.

Scholastic Article is provided by our friends in Philippines call center industry that specialized in Inbound call center services. You can expect more educational articles in the coming days. For discussion about curriculum issue and other educational concern, please e-mail your opinion to

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Free Public Secondary Education in the Philippines

Parents from depressed areas welcomed this act when it was implemented. It’s a big help because students can enroll without cash involved. Before the late Education Secretary Roco mandated all public schools not to compel parents to pay any fee during enrollment, the school used to ask for certain amount upon enrollment. These are voluntary contributions. Although it says “free,” students are asked to give voluntary contributions for boy scouts, girl scouts, PTCA, Red Cross, school paper, etc. However, if a parent cannot give a single centavo, the school cannot deny enrollment nor withhold the report card at the end of the school year.

Free public secondary education in the Philippines is mandated by the Constitution. Any person who violates this law will be prosecuted to the highest extent will be given a punishment that is commensurate with the grievous violations he/she had committed. For the information of everybody, said free public education is in line with governance of the four-year high school education that categorizes under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Secondary Education of DepEd. Although secondary education is provided free in public schools, participation rate has been inferior in comparison to primary education. Based on statistical data by DepEd, in 1965-1966, there were 1,173,000 students in Secondary Education, a majority of which came from the private schools (731,000 or 62.3 percent). In 1987-1988, there were 3,494,460 students with 1,404,387 or 40.8 percent in private schools. In 1992-1993, participation rate was 56.76 percent, with 5,757 total schools (2,285 private) and the total enrollment was 4,450,000 students (1,520,000 in private schools). There were 125,142 teachers (39,822 private). The gross teacher-student ratio was 1:36. The dropout rate was 7 percent. In 1993-1994, 75 municipalities had no high school facilities available. By 1999-2000, there were 5,160,000 students with 1,240,000 being in private schools. The teacher-student ratio was 1:35. Only five municipalities had no high school facilities. The National Secondary Aptitude test was first implemented in 1994-1995, where the passing rate was 77.32 percent. By 1998-1999, a total of 94.76 percent passed.

On the other hand, the school where I am presently stationed is a public secondary school. Although we have funds for school supplies and equipment (from the MOEE), budget for services are not included. We need to hire guards to secure the school, and utility workers to maintain the cleanliness of the school. The PTCA shoulders the salaries of these employees. The budget for this is taken from the PTCA fund. There is also a budget for the school paper collected from the students. Around 300 pesos plus is collected from each student (except athletes) payable within the year. This is being contested by some parents who argued that they should not pay because public school is free. We tried to explain that it is still free because they are not paying any tuition and miscellaneous fees, unlike in private schools. Some smart parents insist that since it is voluntary, they may or may not give. We have to explain again that if they do not contribute to the prescribed amount, we cannot pay for the services of the guards and the utility workers. Who else will do these jobs?

I wish the proponents of this act added the portion legalizing collection of voluntary contributions for the upkeep of the school because the DepEd does not have budget for these. Otherwise, if they really do not want to burden the parents, they should have allocated funds for these services in all public schools nationwide. It’s ironical to hear that the superintendent had returned the excess funds for the year to the DBM because these were unused. These excess funds could have been used for these utility services. Then there would be no collections in the schools anymore.

Note: Letter from HS Teacher

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Custom Essay Writing

Ralph Waldo Emerson. Henry David Thoreau. Voltaire. what do these three great men have in common? They're very well known in the world of Literature not only as accomplished poets, writers, but more importantly, very talented and effective essayists. They have influenced the world through their literary masterpieces, awed the humanity with their exquisite use of words, and pro founded mankind with their gift... the gift to influence their readers with their thoughts, through the use of their custom essays
A person can always start creating custom essays, but he / she has to follow some guidelines. Here are the selected guidelines in deciding custom essay topics.

  1. Have a personal overview experience to support similar topic that describes something of personal importance in your life.
  2. If you are planning for a topic which is a gimmick or just to make it funny, you have to be very careful. It is strongly recommended not to do this because it is not appreciated by the admissions committee and this is done poorly. The result may become not funny or not laughable nor amusing at all when it is intended for readers to laugh, to have fun or to get amused.
  3. Choose a topic that the information listed won’t repeat elsewhere in your application. Do not mention in your essay the standardized test scores or GPAs.
  4. Always choose an essay topic which you can offer vivid supporting paragraphs with concrete examples.
  5. To write a topic on custom essay, make sure that you have the knowledge and the experience of that specific topic and not just to impress the readers with shallow topic. If they’re going to asked you, you are really sure that you can fully answer their question.
  6. Keep the readers get interested from the first word. Also, the whole essay must be interesting for the committee will have only few minutes to read the essay.
  7. An overdone topic is not a bad thing. Having a unique and convincing answer to a classic topic is really a hit.
  8. Write a topic that a large number of people won’t be turnoff. Don’t stick to topics like religion, political parties or a topic which has pros and cons. You can write custom essays with the topic how it influences your life and why it was right or wrong.
  9. In presenting a topic that is very controversial, you should acknowledge counter arguments so as not to sound very arrogant.
  10. In writing  custom essays, take a topic that would be remembered by admissions officer even though they have read hundreds of essays.

Reading step one gives you now the idea on how to write your custom essays. Asking opinions from friends, teachers and colleagues, you must have at least 1-2 interesting topics to write.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Teacher's Values and Professionalism in the Classroom

To teach ethics to teachers is a revitalization of the correct attitude in the workplace. These professionals are taught with manners, values, and the proper behavior expected from them. Therefore they are expected to share good manners, practice democracy and fairness in the classroom. Failure to display incorrect professionalism can cause disrespect and may produce distorted values among students.

Personal values evolve from situations with the external world and can change overtime. His integrity in the application of values refers to its continuity; persons have integrity if they apply their values appropriately regardless of arguments or negative reinforcement from others. But if Filipino teacher loses his values, moral problems come in. Why? Because there will be no values to hold him from doing what is not good. So ultimately, moral problems will arise.

Philippine legal system provides due process to every person. This means that every person is given the opportunity to be notified of the accusation against him. Under our laws, before the person is convicted, he must be given the chance to defend himself by informing him of the corresponding charges in which he is obliged to answer. Generally, the burden of proof lies on the person making such accusation. Therefore, innocence of the accused is more preferred. Although discipline is an issue to deal with among teachers, corporal punishment is never an answer to discipline the students. We have to find better, more effective ways than beating to enforce discipline.

Corporal punishment is of limited effectiveness and has potentially side effects. Studies show that the more children are spanked, the more anger they report as adults, the more likely they are to spank their own children, the more likely they are to approve of hitting a spouse, and the more marital conflict they experience as adults. Spanking has been associated with high rate of physical aggressive, more substance abuse, and increased risk of crime and violence when used with other children and adolescents.

Having known these negative outcomes, one must not afford to support nor appreciate corporal punishment no matter how grave the offense is. It is an act provided for the establishment to give proper discipline to all and maintenance of an integrated system of education. It is the policy of the State to establish and maintain a complete, adequate integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Toward this end, the government shall ensure, within the context of a free and democratic system, maximum contribution of the educational system to the attainment of the following national developmental goals.

The Essay above is written by High School student.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Some Career that a Teacher can Recommend to the Students

The following are top 10 ideal careers in America due to salary and availability of the position today and in the future. It includes the work description and tells why they are the ideal job in US market today and tomorrow. For those high school graduates planning to have career in foreign land must consider some of the career in the list.

1. Systems Engineer - The experience system engineer in US will receive $87,000 while head system engineer can take as much as $130,000. System engineer combine the school of being, personal to network computer technician which handle large scale servers. They will maintain not only the hardware but also the data stored in the servers. System Engineers make sure the security and architecture of employees access to the server is well managed to preserve the quality of information to the company. System Engineers makes sure the server is back up all the time since US companies do not use paper and printed document anymore. Firewalls need to be updated to prevent hackers and hardware integrity need to be always in the best working condition, fast and reliable transfer of data that could serves both employees and customer 24/7 across the globe. The local version or introductory version for this career is Computer Engineering.

Its disadvantage is the schedule of work. Some engineers have to work on 2nd and 3rd shift. They are also required to work during holidays since worldwide customers have varied holidays and working schedules.

2. Physician Assistant - these employees receives $90,000 to $124,000. They were call elite Medical Doctors. In Philippines we call them residence doctors who receive instructions from consultants. They treat and monitor the patients but they do have bigger autonomy and less responsibility than the Consultant or specialist Doctors since the consultant decide what to do with the patients medication process.

3. College Professor can receive between $70,000 and $150,000. Less risk and pressured occupation as long as there are continuous growth in learning. Most college and universities required only mastered degree. There is ample time to prepare the lesson and when the Profs got mastered with they subject matter due to yearly teaching experiences they will have enough time for leisure activity plus the longer paid vacation during summer. They also have free use of school facilities and more benefits to family members.

4. Nurse - That is why Filipino’s wanted to become nurse in US. Salary range $85,000 to $113,000. Nurses in US have advanced medical training and they issue medication even without consultation from Doctors which is in contrast to Philippines. US nurse can have specialization live emergency room nurse, operating nurse, oncology nurse and more. Due to increasing number of aging population in US, the career opportunity for nurses is growing too.

5. Project Managers - This is information technology related career that could receive $98,000 to $400,000. Project Managers are person in charge of planning; identifying, monitoring and evaluating problems meet in the day by day operations. If a regular accountant identifies report problems in the accounting system, he or she will ask the project managers to handle the problem through identification of problems in the database, assigning project to programmers, assigning accounting clerk for testing and evaluating new programs if it work with the demand of the Accountant.This are IT related courses in the Philippines known as BSIT or BS Computer Science.

Companies do not want regular employees to monitor projects related to solution of the problems. Often time project managers understood both sales process and programming protocols. There is a need to relate to its other which regular customer service could not express well.

6. Certified Public Accountant receives $74,200 to 138,000. CPA's are traditional career that handle the finances and accounting of the company. The technicality of bookkeeping oftentimes required specific CPA to handle jobs. Accountancy remains the most stable career both in local and foreign land.

7. Physician Therapist receives $74,300 to $68,100. The existence of this career is due to the aging population. They can extent the life of those retired workers that stays or not in the home for the ages. Other customers for the therapist are famous athletes and drivers who just survive vehicular accidents. Graduate of Therapist have big opportunity in US. The only problem is how to get there with working visas.

8. Computer or Network Security Consultant receives $99,700 to $152,000 and they protect the companies’ databases against hackers, spy ware and viruses. Security consultant is expert programmers who understand the behavior of most programming language the architecture of server’s storage system. Good Network Security Consultant is former hackers too. If the programmers learn to break security, they start to understand the system weakness. Even the giant Microsoft system is frequently hacked. Recently, the head of US FBI almost became victim of unsecured internet transaction. They arrested 100 of hackers from Romania and Egypt’s that targeted US financial companies.

9. Intelligent Analyst receives $82,500 to $115,000. This is sensitive position for military and US intelligence department. They spy in your emails, call and text, pictures and movement in the streets and more.

10. Sales Director receives $140,000 to $239,000. These are experience professional that understand the demand of the market. They often time decides on what the sales campaign should the company compete. They identify future market and create new products for the market. This people bring profits to the company. Experience Inbound call center managers know already how US market works. They have the best opportunity to become successful business leader in the main land.


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Monday, September 21, 2009

Essay Written by Student about Information Technology and Peace

AN ARTISTIC WAR: It’s Blamed Partly to Scientific and Technological Advances

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY is usually found everywhere in this world which is encompassed in the realm of an artistic war. It is a manifestation of such strategic attempts and desires of artistic killings to encompass superpower and to invade cultures of other people. In this era, the world seems experienced chaos and disharmony, the world truly hungers for peace!

Technological advances are different, to the same extent, from what the modern war is unleashing about. It is different from the war in the past. War now employs weapons of death and destruction incomparably more effective than those of the past because of technological advances, and it is consequently the worst thing to do as what we have expected to take place. It could be regarded as an evil to which men must resign themselves because it serves annihilation to mankind and not the progress as what they say. One could argue that due to war the people with the strongest virtues have survived, thus determining the course of history. It would seem then that, in the past, war could operate on the sly in order to win while the other people are totally against it. Despite other claims that modern war is an agent of progress. The evil unlocks and embodies it more heavily on us, the inhabitants of the world.

Let us dare face the situation. Man has become a superman because of scientific and technological advances. He is a superman because he does not only have at his disposal to go beyond the innate physical forces, but also to command, and that is the reason for him to thank to what is so-called scientific and technological advances worldwide. The latent forces of nature invade somebody to wield over the others in giving direct supervisions and responsibilities. To kill at a distance, man has used solely his savvy to rely on his own physical strength, to bend the bow and to release the arrow. The superman has progressed to the stage where there is superpower to encompass, and to a device designed for the purpose. On the other hand, man can use his energy to release with combustion of mixed chemical products. This enables him to employ a much more effective projectile and to propel it over with greater distances. Man has become a superman on his own volition to conquer others, but not a friendly one when he uses destructive weapons to kill other people.

            Early before, when there were two places engage in war, they sent only their best soldiers. The soldiers representing each homeland fought until they achieve victory. The soldier, who won the fight, determines the victory of his homeland. But nowadays, war now involves killing all the people in an area where the innocent people reside. As long as the place is recognized as a place of the enemies it must be bombarded without question and it must be annihilated at once so that no one will go against them.

             Just like a puzzle, world peace can be put back together, and all it needs is a helping hand. It only takes one person to end the hate, and the uncivil greed. The world peace can't be written down on a piece of paper, but it can be seen through man’s healthy actions. No matter what the flag you pledge under or salute, but we are all the same. What the world need is love and understanding. People can promote peace in their community just by lending a hand or giving a smile. A good heart is what it helps us to create peace in our community on earth. To have the world find its peace, each and every one of us must try and find the good deeds in everyone’s heart.

In the Philippines, we need to have an organized and powerful team to stop all kinds of criminality.  Just like what our ancestors did themselves when they were all in need during the war that they asked for help. The world is on the right foot to be working towards a nonviolent environment and trying to end those difficult situations so we can have the chance to improve our surroundings. By following the footsteps of Gandhi we will achieve equal rights and we will resort to cease such segregation.

There are really two-steps in working towards total world peace. The first step is to treat others as you would want yourself to be treated and secondly to stop the fighting no matter what it costs. Fighting only makes situations worse. We should always have our hearts to open and be ready to give out. So, to end the hate and greed, it only takes one person to embark on peace and end the hate and to start the peace at all times if there is a chance to resort to it. Lastly, having faith in our Creator is a great advantage to all of us because we can refrain from starting the arguments and conflicts among individuals. We must also learn to respect others so that they will also respect us in return.

Figuratively, the dove is the symbol for peace and we should also recognize and grab the scenario for God’s sake. We can find peace in Jesus Christ; in the holy Eucharist, we can see that the dove is placed above the chalice showing that Jesus Christ is sharing peace to the world.

Posted: 9/21/09

Note: Do you want your student's essays to be posted here. Click here to email the file. Best and well written essays awaits prices amounting to P100 to P1000. Judge will come from expert in essay writing from known news paper and magazine publication companies.


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Monday, August 17, 2009

Moral Lesson Integration in the Curriculum

DepEd revitalize its Good Moral Integration Program by focusing the Edukasyong Pangtao curriculum to the emotional quotient of the learners while strengthening the teaching of our cultural heritage.

The DepEd Secretary we are now revising the elementary curriculum with the integration of social emotional learning (SEL) in the subject Edukasyong Pantao. After the series of lesson, the student are expected to show signs of self-awareness, self- management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.


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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Writing Contest for Teachers and Students

Private company Smart with the coordination from DepED launch the online content website contest for either teachers or students. The competition is open to all public schools. Smart contest is a feature or article writing about the uniqueness of certain communities which could be festival, town fiesta, town unique cultural gathering etc. The contest is entitled 'Doon po sa Amin Learning Challenge.

The previous winner of this Smart online contest is Naga City Science High School with its entry "Si Ina: Sarong Debosyon sa Halawin na Panahon". This entry represents the Peñafrancia Festival through the years elaborating its social issues and tradition.

For details please visit this page.


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Saturday, July 11, 2009

DepEd - Basic Education Accessible to All by 2015

The real challenge of Education For All (EFA)
Almost is not good enough – Lapus
“Education is not for a few or for some. It is for all.”

Thus, declared Education Secretary Jesli Lapus during the 5th Mindanao educators Congress in Butuan City where he expressed confidence that can meet its target of making basic education accessible to all by 2015.

DepEd since 2006 has instituted many reforms that have contributed to the steady improvement of education indicators. “Still we have a lot of work to do, if we really want to achieve Education For All (EFA) goals in 2015.

The EFA goals, particularly on Universal Primary Education, state that all children should have access to educational opportunities. “All means 100%. Anything less than 100% by 2015 constitutes a failure in reaching our EFA commitment,” he explained.

He stressed, “This is the real challenge of EFA: almost is not good enough.”
Lapus leads educators in beefing up its Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) to meet EFA goals. BESRA aims to systematically improve nationwide basic education outcomes. Its key component – School-Based Management -- (SBM) empowers school heads to make localized decision based on their own unique needs. As part of SBM, school heads are required to come up with School Improvement Plan (SIP) that also includes creating linkages with the local government and the private sector for the improvement of their schools.
“Our success in implementing BESRA in the short term can translate to achieving our EFA commitments in the long term,” Lapus said.

By next year, the department aims to reach 94% participation rate for elementary and 72% for high school; a cohort survival rate of 81% for elementary and 90% for high school.

DepEd also aims to reach completion rate of 79% for elementary and 85% for high school and to reduce our dropout rates to 4% for elementary and 2% for high school,” Lapus added.

He noted that DepEd will be coordinating closely with UNESCO, “so that the two institutions can share information better, leading to a more accurate assessment of the country’s standing in terms of the EFA goals.” He said, “We expect that in simultaneous and coordinated change, we would produce better results than the fragmented and pilot-based initiatives that were abundant in the past.”

He urged the heads in the region to, “to make sure that all your initiatives are anchored on the key reform thrusts of BESRA.”

“If your teachers and parents do not understand the full implications of BESRA yet, I implore you to invest in making them understand and support our reform initiatives,” he added. He stressed, “If we are all on the same page, starting from the Central Office to the PTAs, our chances for success will be very high.”
During the congress, DepEd’s existing programs and projects will be revisited as they correlate to the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) and EFA Targets for the six regions in Mindanao.

The best practices in Education will be presented and bench marked. Resource persons on SEDIP, BESRA, Madrasah Education, Project STRIVE in Visayas, Mindanao Peace Initiatives, Project BEAM, ICT and Project EXCEL will discuss their projects during the plenary sessions.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What is the Impact of Teaching Rizal in the life of today's Professionals

Young Jose RizalThis morning I came across with two blog sites that discuss both positive and negative about the teaching and life of Jose Rizal.

The first one is written by UP ComSci student for his subject Rizal. The title of the blog article is "Ten Things I Like and Dislike About Jose Rizal". Since this guy is consider as member of new generation yet intelligent, the concept of his understanding about Rizal is somewhat modern and realistic. Some characteristic he like to Jose Rizal are the following;

He had one word. This is about the opportunity to escape from being arrested by Spanish authorities. If this is today, he left already like what our politician did whenever they have warrant of arrest. On the other hand, he do not like Rizal because of being womanizer. That is true and until now many famous and model personalities in our country are womanizer too.

Another blog site which is own by unknown university professor specialize in Philosophy if I am correct. She is is complaining with her superior or to somebody why she have to teach Jose Rizal or other way "Jose Rizal, bakit ka namin dapat pag aralan" to be 90% exact. Being a professionals with Philosophical orientation you could expect the content of her writings too. Some of her concept about teaching Rizal and his works as subject or topics from Elementary to College;
  • The question of why we need to study Rizal remains. Some people point out Rizal is the greatest Filipino hero. But is he? It is very unfortunate that bookstores abound with texts on Rizal as the greatest Filipino to ever live.
  • I do not see how memorizing Rizal’s life and agreeing that he is the greatest hero will lead to a better love for one’s country and to being a better citizen. But this is how non-history majors will typically teach Rizal course; and while the philosophy major who is interested in history can elevate it, in an institution which makes English majors teach Rizal course she will be expected to teach it as other teach it.
With this two article about Jose Rizal, I wonder if there are teachers, MA's or Phd's that already submit a thesis or dissertation about the Impact of life and works of Jose Rizal after learning in as a college and high school subject. We all know that Noli Me Tangere and El Felibusterismo are being taught in high school either part of subject or part of the units in Filipino.

I am not concern with the impact of this course to the students either college or high school. I am not also concern about the impact of the content of Rizal related contents to the teachers and those people in the academe. I am interested to learn about the relevance of teaching this subjects or content to the present day PROFESSIONALS. Yes I am after the Engineers, doctors, nurses, Philippines call center workers, programmers, accountant, clerk, salesman, warehouseman, factory workers, managers, supervisors in the industry. After all they have constituted to bigger population that drives the country's culture where the life and works of Jose Rizal could be use as a model. Can we throw Rizal's life and works related questions to carpenters and fisherman?

Pardon me for my ignorance in English language for I am not Jose Rizal and I blame it to my English Teachers.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Three Major Data Collection in Research

The Three Major Data Collection in Research

There are two major tasks in creating research paper. One is to identify the researchable problem and deciding which problem is to explore. Often, deciding the problem to research is based on the knowledge, skills and specialization of the researcher. A researcher specializing in Measurement and Evaluation normally choose a problem about academic performance of selected population. A science teacher will normally choose to evaluate scientific theorem. The second major task in conducting research is selecting the methods of collecting data. There are many methods of collecting data and the selection of these methods is based again to the expertise of the researcher. A social studies teacher normally chooses observation method while the mathematics teacher prepared test methods.

There are three major approaches to gathering information about a situation persons, problem or phenomenon. Sometimes, information required is already available and need only be extracted. However, there are times when the information must be collected. Based upon these broad approaches to information gathering, data are categorized as secondary and primary data.

Information gathered using the first approach is said to collect from secondary sources like census result, hospital records, newspaper, article, and related research. On the other hand, getting the first-hand information regarding community attitudes is known as primary method.

To collect any data for interpretation you will need the following data collection methods;

1. Observation, in its simple’s term, is the process whereby the researcher watches the research situation with the help of ICT Technology. This is the most appropriately used in researches involving observations of teaching-learning conditions play behavior of the children and group interaction. Researcher should not begin this process without the help of observation guide.

2. Questioning method is the most effectively used in the survey approach. Just like other techniques, this method can be more reliable if the questions are structured beforehand and if the sample of questions prepared are representative enough of all the questions needed for the research problem. The Table of Specification is very much helpful before writing down specific questions. It is known to everyone that question writing is an art. It demands skills on your part. However, there are many books about principle of test construction in the store today.

3. Objective methods is the third type of data collection. Very often we hear students inquiring tests or not .In this case, the students are merely asking what type of items will be administered to them. These methods are supposed to have greater degree of objectivity in that scoring items doesn’t pose problems of consistency or homogeneity. These include the multiple-choice test and the scale type. Among the scale types are the rating scales, rank order scale-technique, semantic differential, force-choice technique and the paired comparison scales.

Content is provided by the writer of our Philippine Call Center service.
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