- The actual computer education of the public high school student will begin in 3rd year level (some concern school started in the elementary and first year yet no clear program until now).
- The content will be Operating system, software and hardware concepts, keyboarding, Ms word and Excel. Never mention the PowerPoint and Ms Publisher. However since ICT teacher of Deped are intelligent, flexible and aggressive, they teach those missing topics even it is no longer in the curriculum.
- The 4th year student will learn the basic concepts of programming like pseudocode, syntax, flowcharting, IF and then etc. Take note there is no actual coding since teacher of DepEd does not know how to code. That will be all for 4th yr 2nd grading. (1st grading is review of 3rd yr lesson). In 3rd grading, the 4th yr will do Ms Access database. Lucky if the teacher know this application yet mostly do not know. The 4th grading is spent in HTML.
Why late? Basically database programming now a days is more on MS Sql and mysql. While the curriculum is about Access and HTML, Microsoft already introduce since 2002 the FrontPage web design application. Unfortunately, FrontPage is already face out by 2004 because it do not conform with W3 standard. The FrontPage now is have a new name and Microsoft call it Web Expressions, yet the software was unable to released formally. In this trends the Adobe products together with Macromedia - Adobe package became dominant for IT related works suited for Filipinos. DepED do not have license for it so we can not teach this in the classroom unless teachers are willing to take risk on licenses.
Yes Sir, while the DepEd stick to Microsoft product, the actual industry is using Dreamweaver, Flash and Photoshop. This is what are lacking for the Filipino students while Indian professional enjoying. Now lets focus in programming, which in my view should be teach to 3rd year student. Just a simple conditional if and then scripts is very important to the student to understand the logic of various programming language.
DepEd have to chose PHP over ASP as application in the theory. PHP is free and do not need license suited for Philippine settings. I recommend that the student start studying CSS since it is the next after HTML or XHTML. All this things will required comprehensive training for ICT teacher and not only 40 hours or one week as what DepED usually offered to teachers.
The high school student are not allow to study hardware maintenance since the school is afraid that the student may damage the units. However just last year STEP final in Baguio, the curriculum expert discuss the new coming curriculum for the future high school computer technician.
The sad thing is, they want to adopt with the needs of the society yet it is still late. The curriculum writer should include not only hardware technician but also the following; software technician, network technician and basic server maintenance. Hey i do not suggest to get the job from Computer Engineer. Actually, those Engineer do not like to do this dirty works and they want it to be left to the maintenance technician. It simply means the Civil Engineer just command what to do while the laborer (technician) perform the task.
Luckily, some DepEd IT teachers was forced to study and teach latest innovation like graphics designing (should be included in DepEd curriculum) and web design and development ( once again should be included at least basic topics) since this is the trends of today Information Technology. Why the teachers are forced? It is because of the Student Technologist and Entrepreneur of the Philippines. The organization the host and manage the technology competition of the Department of Education. Every year, winning the STEP competition is getting difficult. The quality of outputs can be observed during judging. So much for the STEP, let me summarize my demand as former IT expert of DepEd.
The DepED should make IT as separate subject like math and science. Why because this technology is applicable in every part of human life. There is no more activities that this IT is not usable. It is comprehensive in details which can not be fruitful by mere integration.
The DepEd should start teaching Operating System, Concepts of Hardware and software, Ms Word and Excel to the first year. PowerPoint and Desktop Publishing (graphics design) for the second year. Web development, some scripting language and data base application both Microsoft and open software for third year. Lastly, hopefully the student is already matured to repair, troubleshoot, do some networking and configuration including internet and server maintenance for 4th year.
Yes i do not intent to get the job from college graduate. This high school is just support group, the Junior worker of the industry if they not proceed in college. That i think the essence of Edukasyong Pangkabuhayan.
Ops the teachers need training. As i observed, the DepED and private sector even Microsoft offered training which is very basic like, basic office application, basic multimedia, basic desktop publishing etc. Hey our student do not need the basic. They need quality learning, complete and usable when they enter the next facet of their lives. Hey, do not forget to include the forum, blog, online photos, e-mail, chat, voip, download and upload, conferencing and those things as latest today.
Former ICT In Charge
Minglanilla NSHS
Sir Jobette, to the layman, ICT sounds like another acronym with no concrete meaning; and when it is explained that ICT standards for Information & Communication Technology the reaction moves from "What is it?" to "We are not involved in this business. Hence, we only have to introduce the basics." It is largely true to other subject teachers which even include our big bosses in the division. But for us, being a well-informed user of ICT, who aim high for students’ ICT fluency, we found ICT an essential tool for better instructional usability and better level of education. This thrust is the reason why we should have to supplement our knowledge by studying the mentioned field, at our own expense. :(
“They” feel that IT or TLE’s Computer Education isn’t that indispensable to be considered as a tool subject like those you mentioned such as English, Math and the like. This is the reason perhaps why they didn’t seem to allot enough time to study and revise the IT curriculum. Well, let it be that way sir. We’ll just dance with the rhythm :)
Sir Jobette, to the layman, ICT sounds like another acronym with no concrete meaning; and when it is explained that ICT standards for Information & Communication Technology the reaction moves from "What is it?" to "We are not involved in this business. Hence, we only have to introduce the basics." It is largely true to other subject teachers which even include our big bosses in the division. But for us, being a well-informed user of ICT, who aim high for students’ ICT fluency, we found ICT an essential tool for better instructional usability and better level of education. This thrust is the reason why we should have to supplement our knowledge by studying the mentioned field, at our own expense. :(
“They” feel that IT or TLE’s Computer Education isn’t that indispensable to be considered as a tool subject like those you mentioned such as English, Math and the like. This is the reason perhaps why they didn’t seem to allot enough time to study and revise the IT curriculum. Well, let it be that way sir. We’ll just dance with the rhythm :)
I strongly agree with your post sir, since I am a private high school computer teacher, I really feel sad for my fellow public school students who haven't even touch a computer or worse is doesn't even know that it really existed, the ICT integration would just be a "sounds-so-good" for some but yet difficult for others to implement due to the so-called technophobia. Yes, the bottomline of computer technology in basic education is to prepare the students' technical/computer skills for them to become "capable" and "competitive" enough to face the modern world. In addition to these, should be the inculcated values of utilizing technology in the light of the so-called computer ethics and we have to accept the fact that at the end of the day... our students don't interact with computers... it is with the people outside... real people that should know how to communicate with respect... and of course using the tools in a certain software and working together with other people with teamwork or cooperation to achieve whatever goal that they want to accomplish...
God Bless.
were calling the attention of the deped secretary to please make a lifestyle check for the School administrator, Administrative officer and bookeeper of Capas High School Tarlac,
(RHX 496 brandnew innova for the School admin.),(brandnew avanza 550for the Administrative officer)brand new honda RS,newly renovated house with swimming pool & grocery,And (Newly renovated 2storey building for the book keeper).
How much more with the upcoming K+12. As i've reviewed the curriculum, ICT is more focused on Computer Hardware Servicing and losing the software part.
I hope they will offer more choices for ICT-inclined students.
Good day!
I am calling the attention of the DepEd curriculum writers to please include in your financial allocation the distribution of licensed software for these courses. Software developers kept tracking us. Some internet cafes, universities and high schools in our province was raided and penalized for using pirated software.
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The ICT curriculum in our education system seems to be lagging behind the rapid advancements in technology. It's disappointing to see that students are often taught outdated skills that don’t match the current job market demands. For example, while global industries are moving toward AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, the lessons in schools remain heavily focused on basic computer skills. Many students who want to learn relevant and advanced digital skills are forced to look for help elsewhere. Some even resort to searching for online resources or services where they can write my assignment online to get through outdated assignments. The curriculum needs a serious upgrade if we want to equip students with the tools to thrive in a tech-driven world.
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