Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Jesli Lapus calls for the optimum use of information and communication technology to deliver quality education and enhance institutional efficiency worthy of the 21st century.
Lapus sounded the call during the National Educators Congress in Baguio City where he also cited the department's effort to provide ICT-enriched learning materials, internet connectivity and computer laboratories to public schools through the assistance of the private sector.
The DepEd Chief stressed that "it is about time that we effectively use Information Technology in teaching and learning as well as in managing the delivery of services."
Some of the sessions on the second day of this year's Educators' Congress will focus on ICT tools that can be used to enhance productivity among teachers, school heads, education managers, and field office administrators.
These sessions aim to provide real and live examples of practices of DepEd's ICT partners.
"Introducing new stuff to educators and learners can be useless if they cannot harness and build on existing ICT initiatives," said Lapus.
Ayala Foundation, Intel, USAID, SMART, Oracle and Microsoft are just some of the institutions that support DepEd in its goal to bring digital literacy to Filipino students and make them competitive with our more progressive neighbors.
DepEd has increased its ICT-related efforts to sustain the initiatives that these groups have started. Just this year, Lapus instructed the department's budget chief to provide additional operating funds to schools which have dropped connections to cover internet subscription fees and incremental electric consumption charges.

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