In line with this departments thrust of making basic education open and accessible to all learners, an honors program for top students entering Grade 7 in School Year 2012-2013 will be offered in the Open High School of private schools participating in the Education Service Contracting Program.
The students eligible for the Honors Program are those who;
a. belong to the upper 2% of the graduating class based on MPS in Grade 6 NAT or with an average in Grade 6 on 90% above.
b. Have the capacity for independent learning and
c. are willing to study in a private school
40,000 new slots are available on the first come, first service basis to the top 2% graduates of public elementary schools who wish to study in ESC participating private schools.
d. grade 7 (first year) beneficiaries of this program across all regions shall enjoy an all in grant in the amount of P6500. thus parents don't have to pay any tuition differential and miscellaneous fees.
e. In addition to the all ingrant, student beneficiaries who can demonstrate advanced level of proficiency shall be eligible for acceleration on a per subject basis.
f. Principals of public secondary schools especially those schools where there is serious overcrowding should meet with the parents of top performing students in order to convince them to put their children in the honors program of the OHS.
(Reposted through the effort of mental training website)
g. The guidelines and procedure for participation in the OHS program are provided in Item 4 general guidelines in Formal Schooling on the Enclosure to DepEd Order no. 35 s 2012 - Policies and Guidelines on the Implementation of the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education program Effective SY 2012-2013
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